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About Monday Recruitment

We're about loving what we do

At Monday Recruitment, we’ve made our home in the space between job search and hiring needs. Yes, we help great companies find the exceptional talent they need (fast!), but to us, our work means much more than that.

We are all about loving what we do. Our commitment to, and passion for, helping our talent connect with the perfect career opportunities is what makes us successful and keeps us on the cutting edge of the staffing industry.

A Little About Us

Step 1

People First

Our success comes from finding people amazing organisations to perform, and finding clients exceptional hires. We pride ourselves on our ability to attract in demand candidates that are hard to reach. We spread a wide search net and employ a variety of innovative sourcing tools to provide the very best talent.


Talent Mapping

A talent map gives you a tactical advantage over your competitors, especially in times of talent shortages. We mine the market to determine where the talent you most need on your team is located. What’s more that is just the start: beginning a conversation with them is where the brilliance happens.


Measured Approach

Our team is extremely skilful at conjuring attention because we represent your brand and opportunity in a captivating way. When approaching a candidate who is not in the market, an approach must be very measured and implemented with caution. A first Impression occurs only once.

Our approach to recruitment

Standard services

What We Do

When You’re Ready To Hire, We’re Ready To Help. Recruiting the best talent is a massive time commitment. We take the pressure off by handling the whole process for you.

Job brief

We ask the right questions to fully understand your business. We can then help give you clarity about who you need on your team – now and in the future.

Ad copy

We’ll create ad copy that captures the personality of your brand and shows top candidates why they’ll love being a part of your team.


We use our expertise to search the market and engage with people who are not actively job-hunting but could be ideal for your role.


We dig deeper to ensure the right people are on your shortlist for the right reasons. We screen candidates for future potential as well as current fit.


We’ll provide you with all the information and expert insights you need to make the right decision, leaving you feeling confident and excited.


We support you to develop an interview process that gives you a deep knowledge of candidates and ensures every candidate has a positive experience with your brand.


You’ll discover everything you need to know about how candidates will fit into a team and, even more importantly, the best way to lead and motivate them in the future.


If background checks are part of your process, we can help you with them – From CRB to credit checks on your preferred candidates, we have got you covered.


We use our skill and expertise to get honest feedback and listen to what’s not said, as well as what is said. We believe past performance is the best predictor of future performance.


Amazing candidates will often have other opportunities with other businesses. Our passion for your brand, the role, and your leadership tips the balance in your favour.


Ready to discover exceptional talent?

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