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John White | 12 June 2022

How to not lose great employees.

In today’s business world maintaining good employees is becoming harder. It’s tough to hold onto good employees, and it really shouldn’t be.

When managers make a mistake, it’s often the best employees that are the first to go, because they have the most options.

Managers tend to blame their turnover problems on everything under their sun, whilst ignoring the real problem- that people leave managers, not jobs. 

Most of the mistakes made can be easily avoided.    Here are some of the top mistakes that managers make, that get the best employees packing their desk:

1.        They don’t recognise contributions are reward good work
Everyone loves a pat on the back, and something this simple will get people motivated and strive to achieve higher.  Managers need to communicate with their employees, recognise great work and reward!

2.        They tolerate poor performance
There is nothing more frustrated than working your butt off, and your fellow colleague does nothing, gets paid more than you and gets away with it.   When you allow this behaviour, its drags everyone down, especially your top performers.

3.        They hire and promote the wrong people
Good employees want to work with like-minded professionals.  When the wrong people are hired, it can be a huge de-motivator for those working next to them.  Even more so, when these “wrong people” get promoted.  This ends up feeling like a big insult to the good employee.

4.        They don’t show people the bigger picture
Good employees take on a heavier work load because they care about their work.  However, their work needs a purpose, and when they don’t know what it is, it can make them feel alienated and pointless.   

5.       They fail to allow change
Talented employees seek to improve everything they come across.  If you don’t allow the ability for change and to make improvements, because you’re just comfortable, it makes good employers dislike their jobs.

If you want good employees to stay on, you need to think carefully about how you treat them.  You need to make them want to work for you and be happy.