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Harry Richardson | 07 January 2022

Spring clean your career.

Spring has set in. Spring is a time during which many of us reset priorities and check in on things. It's a time to re-evaluate, check in, and get your career in order.

Here are a few things that are always helpful when emerging from your winter hibernation with respect to your career:

1. Clean Your Space

Clutter negatively impacts productivity, as well as state of mind, and happiness.  Clean your desk (not just the papers, etc) but give it a good wipe, and spruce it up with some new pens and note pads.  New stationary, tidiness and cleanliness, not only means you are organized, but also gives the perception of new beginnings and gets you motivated.

2. Review your year so far

We shouldn’t reflect on our year only at the end, or the start of a new year.  Spring is a perfect time to reflect. Are you where you want to be in your career?  Is your CV updated?  Have you started looking for work? Have you had any luck?  Where have you failed?  When have you gotten close to securing a new job?  Why did you not succeed?

3. Identify Your Gaps

Sit down and work out where you have made progress in your job search and where you have failed.  Identify what you could have done better, and what is going to get you on track to find your dream job.

4. Check in with Your Network

Spring is a great time to reach out to and check in with old references, bosses, and colleagues. Every time you find yourself in the job market, you likely find yourself thinking, “Why didn’t I reach out to these folks when I didn’t need something, just to keep the relationship established?”

Well, now’s your chance. Pick two or three people and shoot them an email. Ask how their work, family, or travel plans have been and they’ll probably be happy to tell you all about it!

5. Grow Your Network

Growing your network is one of the most important and easy ways to make valuable connections, stay up to date on key happenings in your field, and increase future job prospects.

6. Do Some Reflection on What’s Next

Whether you’re happy in your job or searching for your next position, it’s always a good idea to take some time to think about where you want to be or what you want to work toward over the next three-to-nine months.

What’s working in your career? What’s your biggest pain point? What would be the next ideal step?

When you identify what’s working, you can put more energy into those parts of your work. When you know your pain point, you can figure out how to solve it. And if you’re thinking about next steps, turn the reflection into tangible action items and milestones.


Happy Spring Cleaning!