The tech industry might have a reputation for attracting introverts – but we all know the industry needs just as many extroverts to play their part. Entrepreneurs, product managers, salespeople, marketers and yes even developers, designers and security professionals often need people to bounce off to keep them creative, productive and happy.
So while introverts might be better placed to work at home on their own, how do you help the extroverts stay effective when they’re not working alongside other people?
Well, as a team of raging extroverts who often work remotely or at home, we have learned a lot about keeping ourselves connected and fulfilled. Here are our top tips.
Make It Fun
Extroverts draw energy from each other, and when we’re laughing we’re powering up more quickly. Give us a place to joke around, where we can one-up each other and not distract those who are focused. A slack channel or even a regular video-conferenced social event is a must for extrovert energy reserves.
Create Opportunities To Collaborate
When we’re in a room together, extroverts naturally talk about what they’re working on. Ideas flow freely and chances to collaborate simply present themselves. This doesn’t happen when we’re on our own. Help us buddy up, or video conference us as a team to help draw these conversations out.
Tell Us We’re Doing A Good Job
Extroverts thrive on public recognition. When we’re alone too long our mood naturally drops and we might start to doubt our efforts. Remind us we’re an important part of the team and shout out our good work in a team forum to keep us motivated.
Give Us Variety
Extroverts need to be stimulated otherwise they can get bored easily. Regular distraction comes in the form of talking to others around the office, giving us mini-breaks after which we refocus much better. Check-in with us regularly to break the monotony, and give us side projects or creative tasks to help us perform better on our everyday work.
Be Direct
Extroverts aren’t generally great with subtlety. If we’re not standing in front of you, reading your body language and tone it’s going to be even harder for us to understand what you really want from us. Be as explicit as you can about your expectations, and speak to us over Zoom as much as you can.